The Goudge Inquiry into paediatric forensic pathology services in Ontario, Canada demonstrates how 'bad things can get'. Aspiring forensic pathologists are recommended to visit the website for this Inquiry, which provides a unique insight into current thinking on the contentious issues, with transcripts of witnesses called to give evidence at the Inquiry, as well as some extremely interesting documents prepared by forensic pathology and legal experts for the Inquiry.
Of particular note are 'Paediatric forensic pathology: Limits and controversies', by the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Australia, 'Medical mistakes and miscarriages of Justice' in the UK, 'Paediatric forensic pathology as forensic science', and 'Demonstrable reliability and expert forensic pathology evidence'. In addition, there is an excellent paper, again from the Victorian Institute, on 'A model Forensic Pathology Service', which gives more general guidance on how a modern forensic pathology service should operate.
All authors highlight the lack of 'evidence-based forensic pathology', particularly in those areas of paediatric practice that are commonly in dispute at trial. The Welsh Child Protection Systematic Review Group is attempting to address this need, and have performed systematic reviews of the literature for abusive bruising, fractures, burns and oral injuries/bites, as well as currently finalising a review of non-accidental head injury, and undertaking a review of retinal haemorrhages. It remains to be seen whether such evidence makes its way into expert opinions and court proceedings.
Great blog! Too bad its been a while since you posted last. Any plans for future posts?
Nice blog. I would not mind getting suggestions to improve mine so that it could look at least a little like yours! Thanks.
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