Tuesday, 13 February 2007

New forensic medicine wiki

In the spirit of collaboration in forensic medicine, a new forensic wiki has been launched. Anybody can contribute to the development of this resource - the aim of which is to provide peer reviewed (and so far as is possible) evidence-based forensic medicine and pathology educational materials.

In the first instance, content is requested on general topics such as;
  • What is forensic medicine/ pathology?
  • Post mortem changes
  • Post mortem interval assessment
  • Wounds and injuries, and
  • Head injury
Pages can be created and edited without log-in in to the wiki, although it would be helpful for the administration of the wiki for editors to create an account.

In order to provide the most up-to-date and accurate content, practitioners of forensic medicine/pathology are especially invited to contribute to the development of this wiki.

Images of deceased persons should not include any 'identifiable features' (images of faces/ heads with the eyes 'blacked out' is not considered ethically acceptable in this regard), and the use of alternative illustrations (including body mannequins) is to be encouraged.

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